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Secondary Facelift

Although it is not common, some patients may find that over time they have developed a troubling recurrence of jowling and neck laxity after undergoing a first facelift. Most likely, they have had this first surgery many many years ago and are now noticing again the signs of aging. Factors that may contribute to this recurrance include further loss of elasticity due to sun damage and aging, weight fluctuations, and the type of facelift that was performed before. For these patients, a secondary facelift is beneficial in order to restore youthful, defined contours to their face and neck.

A SMAS-Platysma Facelift is extremely effective in correcting the problems associated with a secondary aging. This facelift allows the flexibility of lifting the underlying layers separately from the skin, and thus precise correction of specific anatomic problems is possible. Because the lift is not transmitted from the skin, the skin can be redraped naturally, a step that is extremely important in avoiding a pulled look, especially the second time around. Specific hairline problems, scar placement problems, and earlobe contour problems that may exist can be corrected at this time. Because the SMAS-Platysma facelift is designed to provide the strongest, longest lasting result possible, it is extremely unlikely that significant recurrances of the signs of aging would occur again.

Dr. Chang is known for her natural aesthetic in facial surgery, and this is especially important in the secondary facelift, as it is the tendency is for these patients to appear overdone. The secondary facelift customized to your particular anatomic issues will allow your face to again return to its natural youthful contours.